
A Great Place to Grow


Our mission expresses our dedication to support quality in business and economics research in Afghanistan. it is committed to a standard education, creativity, Innovation and exchange of Knowledge. AFSBE determine to be lighthouse for upcoming enthusiastic professionals, entrepreneurs, academician and students to showcase in the domain of smart business and professional management in the domestic and international market.

Foreign Followers
Classes Complete
Students Enrolled
Certified Teachers


our vision is to bring revolution in lives, businesses, and communities for future generations, we want to generate a legacy of excellence in business & economics that will have no geographical boundaries.

CEO Message

Dear students & Supporters
As the CEO of AFSBE, I take great satisfaction in and will never waver from my dedication to serving you. Our school is based on the nexus of opportunity and aspiration, where knowledge changes people’s lives and hits boundaries.
Educating and enabling our students who will influence Afghanistan’s business and economy in the future, is our mission. Since we think that education is the key to development, AFSBE is committed to promoting excellence in business & economics studies. We want to be more than just a place of learning; we want to be a factor behind the improvement. We empower our students to succeed in the competitive world of business with demanding academic programs, innovative research, and a dedication to moral leadership.
To our students “You are the builders of tomorrow,”. Our country will progress because of your insatiable curiosity, tenacity, and enthusiasm. Chase after your curiosity, take advantage of every opportunity and rise to obstacles.
To our distinguished faculty: It is admirable that you are committed to teaching knowledge, promoting critical thinking, and developing the brains of our future leaders. Your influence goes well beyond the boundaries of the classroom.
And to our respected supporters: Your faith in our mission promotes us forward. Your contributions, whether in the form of campaigning, grants and scholarships, or mentorship, have a real impact.
Together, we celebrate diversity, create a platform for understanding, and promote an atmosphere that supports creativity. Let’s keep pushing boundaries, eliminating obstacles, and leaving a legacy that will last for many decades.
The Afghanistan School of Business and Economics is a symbol of resiliency, optimism, and is more than just an establishment. Thank you for being with us in this journey.

With the deepest regard and passion

Mohammadullah Ibrahimi